Where is Crypto stored?

Crypto will be stored in cryptocurrency wallets with two popular e-wallets: cold wallets and hot wallets.


- Cold wallet: This is a wallet designed based on a separate device, managed in offline mode, and can only be accessed by investors when owning the device. Cold wallets are suitable for value investors who hold large volumes of cryptocurrencies over a long period.


Thanks to being stored on a private device in offline mode, cold wallets ensure high security, and Crypto theft is very rare. Some commonly used cold wallets include : Atomic, Exodus, Jaxx or Blockchain, etc.


- Hot wallets: These are called hot wallets because they always need to be connected to the Internet. Therefore, hot wallets are often suitable for short-term investors with many transactions that need to be executed continuously and regularly. However, also because of the feature of always connecting to the Internet, hot wallets are less secure than cold wallets due to their vulnerability to attacks and information theft... Some popular hot wallets today include Trezor, Keepkey, and Ledger…

Hope this answer helps you get excited about Crypto!