Besides using, ( ) you could use Google Authenticator - a handy app to install two-factor authentication. First, you need to download and install Google Authenticator on your phone or other devices. 

- App for Android

- App for iOS

After installing Google Authenticator for your device, please apply it to Remintano by the following steps: 


Step 1:

Click on your username and Choose "Setting" 

Step 2:

At Authy Authentication you click Enable:

Step 3:

Use Google Authenticator to "Scan QR Code" or "Enter Manually - Authentication key"

Firstly, open the app Google Authenticator, choose the "+" feature

Next, choose “Scan barcode” or "Manual entry"

If you choose "Scan barcode" , your camera will be automatically open to scan the barcode. Navigate the square border to the QR code so your device could read it:

If you choose "Manual entry", fill in your information and the Authentication key (which appeared on our website)

After successful installation, a 6-number code shall appear in Google Authenticator app, fill the code in "Authy Authentication code" at our website.