The Best Arbitrage Platform
That Offers Optimal Profit
Bunnybot is a high-frequency arbitrage trading algorithm on Cryptocurrency. We offer users a fully operational long-term investment platform. It plans to leverage blockchain technology to ensure a seamless investment experience and wants to help investors unfreeze tied-up investment deposits. You can withdraw and deposit through your wallet easily.
Why choose Arbitrage Platform
Best security technology
Trade anywhere on the world
the identity
Your identity is protected
You are responsible for your profits
Transactions exist forever on the internet space
Arbitrage trading is safe profit
Balance and profit are secure
Invest & Withdraw
Invest or Withdraw your balance easily through your wallet
Development Fund
Use 2.5% for Development. The fund will develop new features & improve Bunnybot.
Join & Earn
Developer Network
- Build On Blockchain Technology
- Pair & Security
- Share From The Platform's Profits
- Strong Supportive Community
- All The World
Share Platform Revenue
Token Ownership
- Release 1.000.000 BFi Tokens
- Profit is distributed quaterly
- Token Price Increase
- Easy Exchange
- Own Sustainable Profit
Trade & Earn
BFi Exchange
- Trading 24/7 realtime
- Liquidity pool
- Tokens Sale On Exchange
- Easy Buy/Sell
- Quaterly distributed
- Strong Community
- Flexibility Connect Wallet
- Share 20% Total Profit for Tokens
- Tokens Limited
- Share Tokens for others easily